Call for Board Nominations!

This is a call for Nominations to the Board of Directors.  Nominations can be forwarded to Please include your name, position(s) you are applying for, and a brief history of your qualifications, including why you are interested in serving on the Board of the Camp Fircom Society of the United Church of Canada
The board members are elected to two year terms. A member is allowed to serve three consecutive terms in a row. Officers of the board (Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer) are elected internally at a board meeting after the AGM.  
Any individual who desires to be a candidate for a vacancy on the Board must:

  1. Be an active member in good standing.

  2. Be 16 years of older (a majority of members must be over 18 years old)

  3. Not be an employee of the Society except in such cases as the employment is of a short term or casual nature.

  4. Submit a nomination letter that declares the intention to run for the board and that provides a brief summary outlining their experience and why they want to become a member of the Board. Nominees will have the opportunity to speak to their qualifications and interest in each position (2 minutes) prior to the election

Note: A majority of board members must be full-members or adherents of the United Church of Canada.

Positions up for Election

The board is composed of a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 10 directors.
There is an ex-offico board member role which is appointed by The Pacific Region of the United Church of Canada and is not counted in the minimum and maximum amounts.
Currently, two board members are finished their first year of their first term, Daphne Woo and Christina Kinch, and are therefore not up for re-election.
There are four board members who are finishing the second year of their first term:
Bronwyn Carrodus – Current Chair
Rachel Philips – Current Secretary
Jill Wheatley
Ann v’ant Riet
These board members have announced that they will stand for re-election.
 Camp Fircom would like to extend a huge thank you to Josh Keller who has completed three terms on the board and will be stepping off as per the by-laws.
You’ve been a huge asset to the organization Josh.
A huge thank you for all your time and energy you’ve put into camp!


If you aren’t ready to run for the board, consider getting involved in one of the Camp Fircom’s committees: Fundraising or Finance. This is a perfect way to get involved in the Fircom community and contribute to your favorite camp.


Gappers take on the Farm


Fircom AGM - April 4th